13 Great Ways to Re-use Tea Bags
Tea is a very, very popular drink all over the world. So that means that there are lots and lots of tea bags getting tossed out all the time, but it shouldn’t be that way. Used tea bags have all kinds of uses! The list below is just some of the many ways to get extra benefits out of a used tea bag.
- Tea leaves from used tea bags are great additive for acid-loving plants like roses
- The tannin in tea can also help reduce plantar warts. So, place a warmed tea bag on the area for about 15 minutes, letting it dry naturally.
- Cold tea bags make a soothing compress to bring relief for tired eyes. Also, They can help to reduce dark circles under the eyes
- Using tea bags in your bathwater can help soften skin, especially if you use green tea
- Blister and abscesses drain overnight when covered by a wet tea bag.
- Poison ivy’s itchy oils can be dried up with strongly brewed tea
- Soothing foot soak. Use three or four tea bags in a quart of water. Let it cool enough to be comfortable and soak for a half hour
- Spa Facial. Drop a used tea bag in a bowl full of very hot water. Drape a towel over your head and let the rising steam nourish your face
- Tea bags are great at removing smells in the frig.
- Hard to clean pots and pans can be a chore to clean. But these can benefit greatly from an overnight soak in hot water with a few tea bags. The tannins work to break those tough stains.
- Super moisture turkey can be helped by using tea. Add a tea tea and a quart of water to the roasting pan. Let the tenderizing tannins do their thing!
- Dried tea can act as a deodorizer for the kitty litter box – just sprinkle over the letter
- Kick start your compost pile with a couple of cups of strong tea